The center was found in December, 2004. It used to be the Certification Team of Xiamen. its main tasks including: to investigate the antiques in Xiamen; to excavate the relics; to certificate the collections of the museum and the collections of the citizen; to certificate the antiques for the police; to research and protect the ancient or modern marvelous buildings in Xiamen; to research and protect the collections of the museum. The main task is to cooperate with the basic constructions and rescue, protect the antiques after the foundation of the Cultural Relics Protection Center. It takes many times investigations and excavations of the antiques. The important achievements included: “ the Couple Chen Yuantong’s Tomb, Tang Dynasty”; “ Chen Yi’s Tomb, Song Dynasty”; “ The Relics of Ancient Xiamen City, Ming Dynasty”; “ The Relic of Siming Prison”; “ Zeng Shan Relics site, Tang and Song Dynasty”. Cultural Relics Protection Center also certificates and researches the antiques and protects various relics, ancient buildings.
The Cultural Relics Protection Center got the certification of judicial authenticator by the Intermediate People’s Court of Xiamen in 2006. It was combined into Xiamen Museum on 27th, June.
Address: 2th Gongyuannan Road, Siming District, Xiamen
Tel: 2984081