“Glorious Achievements—the Historical exhibition of Xiamen Special Economic Zone” is the main exhibition in the Memorial. There are so many valuable historical pictures, relics, settings, models that combine with multi-media techniques. All of these can show the incredible changes and great achievements in Xiamen. The symbol of the exhibition includes: Deng Xiaoping and the beginning of the Xiamen Special Economic Zone; Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao visited Xiamen Special Economic Zone. The exhibition is divided into four parts: The Beginning(1981——1984), The Developing (1984——1991); The improving (1992——2005)and The New Achieving (2006年――now).there is a smaller exhibition hall at the second floor of the west of the building : Deng Xiaoping visited Xiamen. it is a site for memorizing the event on 9th, September in 1984. Deng Xiaoping visited Xiamen and wrote an inscription “make more improvements and better achievements in constructing the Xiamen Special Economic Zone”. The setting of the event was imitated by sculptures. The cabin of “Lujiang Yacht” was imitated too and visitors can watch the precious pictures and videos about the events.