“Qinming Zhaotao General President's Son” Bronze Cannon

Collection situation

      This bronze cannon was made by Zheng Jing, Zheng Chenggong’s eldest son. The cannon was made of brass, 214 cm in length, 11.5 cm in diameter and weighing over than 500KG . Its shape combines the characteristics of Chinese Ming dynasty artillery and western red barbarian cannon.There are three lines of official script and seal script inscriptions cast on the back face of the cannon, reading: Qinming Zhaotao General President, made in Yimo Mid-Autumn festival Ming Yongli by Zeng Maode. Zhaotao General’s son refers to Zheng Jing. According to the research of experts, this cannon was manufactured by Zheng Jing in Taiwan in 1679. It may have been used by Zheng Jing during his westward conquest of the mainland during the reign of emperor Kangxi of the Qing dynasty, or it may have been carried by Zheng's generals when they were sent to the mainland to reclaim wasteland after the return of Taiwan to the Qing dynasty. This one is a replica and its original is now housed in the Shanxi Provincial History Museum.

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